Geokaun Mountain & Cliffs is located on Valentia Island, Co. Kerry, Ireland, V23KV62

You can also search ‘Geokaun Mountain’ on any maps app.

Directions from Knightstown village/the car ferry:

  1. Exit the car & passenger ferry and turn right
  2. Drive up through the village and at the ‘Y’ junction take the right road
  3. Continue for 2.7km. After the wooded area take a sharp left
  4. Then take the next right
  5. Continue on this road for 1.7km
  6. Geokaun Mountain & Cliffs entrance will be on your right

Directions from Portmagee/the bridge:

  1. Cross the bridge and take the next left at the ‘T’ junction
  2. Continue for 1.5km and take a right
  3. Continue for 4km and Geokaun Mountain entrance will be on your left